News // 27.11.2020

Starting the journey to B Corp certification


You may have seen our London re-opening offer (28-29 Nov 2020). 

With the money we raise from those ticket sales, we’ll be donating food and supplies to Vauxhall food bank, just down the road.

We’re trying to do a bit more good in the world at a time when it feels like we need to work that little bit harder to resist thinking only of ourselves. If we’re only thinking of others when times are good, we’re not making the positive impact we strive for.

On that note. We haven’t talked about it much, but Whistle Punks is committed to becoming B Corp certified in 2021.

We’ve started the process and, with your help, we’ll get there. If you’ve never heard of B Corp, here’s a 30-sec explainer from a cheerful American man.

Words: Staff Writer

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