News // 25.09.2023

The Ultimate Christmas Party Planning Checklist


It’s beginning to look a lot like… Autumn?

It may be a couple of months away, but it’s never too early to start your Christmas party planning.

As we snowball towards the end of the year and all the celebrations that come with it, getting together with your work colleagues for a big winter blowout is the icing on the cake – or the carrot on the snowman.

So, if you’re looking to organise the ultimate Christmas party for your workplace, here are our top tips to celebrate the most wonderful time of the year.

group of friends at a christmas party at whistle punks doing axe throwing

Start Christmas party planning now

Let this be your reminder to start your Christmas party planning sooner rather than later. If it helps, you can imagine Noddy Holder screaming ‘IT’S CHRISTMAS’ in your ear until you do so, but let’s not add to the stress.

Hospitality and entertainment venues get very busy this time of year and tend to sell out towards the end of the year; just like the early bird catches the worm, the early party planner catches the booking.

Getting something organised early will take a lot of stress out of Christmas party planning, and make you something of a festive legend amongst your peers.

With that in mind, a good place to start would be:

Set a date, choose a time

You may think this is arbitrary, but there are things to consider when deciding on a date and time whilst Christmas party planning:

– How close to Christmas Day do you want it to be? Does your workplace get busier or quieter towards that time?
– What day of the week? Thursdays and Fridays are always very popular, which may influence how quickly you’ll need to book a venue.
– Daytime revelry or evening shenanigans? Take into account any colleagues who live further away or have other dependencies at home such as children, animals, or a PS5.

The idea of holding a Christmas party outside of December may seem barmy, but it’s a popular choice for workplaces which are ‘all-systems-go’ in the lead-up to Christmas and may not have time to spare.

When Christmas party planning, think of it more as a celebration of the year’s hard work instead of a purely festive get-together.

Choose your venue

This is where the real fun begins!

Gone are the days of in-house Christmas parties like the one in Love Actually – we all know how that one went.

Your colleagues already spend many hours of their week at work, so it’s always a good idea to get them out of the office to let their collective hair down.

Instead, treat the team to something a little different and take them to one of many activity venues that are available here in the UK. These are one-stop-shops which include everything you could want or need under one roof, leaving you with much more time to enjoy yourselves!

Christmas party planning is stressful enough, so by booking in with a venue such as Whistle Punks, you’ll sleep soundly knowing that everything will be taken care of and your team will have a right rollicking time.

You’d be hard-pressed to find an activity more unanimously enjoyable than throwing axes, and Whistle Punks prides itself on being the biggest and the best – but don’t just take our word for it.

If you’re looking for a fun, inclusive activity to bring your workmates together, we’ve got you covered. Whether you’ve got a workforce of 2 or 200, our talented teams are here to guide you in the ways of the axe.

Compete with your colleagues to see who will be crowned the axe throwing champion, all in a sociable environment staffed by talented instructors.

group of friends celebrating fun experience at whistle punks

Food & Drinks

What’s the ultimate party food?

Pizza. Always pizza.

Don’t worry about having to organise caterers or attempt to make enough food for the whole office when Christmas party planning – at Whistle Punks, we offer a comprehensive food menu of pizzas and snacks, the ideal lane-side fuel for your axe throwing.

We know a party isn’t a party without some liquid refreshments, so whether you’re a craft beer expert or a cocktail connoisseur, our fridges are fully stocked with the finest in alcoholic and soft drinks alike for you to enjoy.

Everything can be ordered laneside, leaving you to revel in the competition.

Bottomless Drinks and Pizza

The lead-up to Christmas should be a time of celebration, so why waste energy trying to plan an entire Christmas party yourself?

At Whistle Punks, we’re experts at hosting and can take care of everything for you. Make this year’s party be one to remember and book yourselves in with one of our venues – our bookings elves will be chuffed to hear from you!

group in Christmas jumpers posing with axes

Words: Staff Writer