Events // 23.04.2019

Axe Throwing is Empowering

Written by Staff Writer


As part of our ongoing #throwlikeagirl campaign, where we are trying to reclaim the term to show the world how awesome our instructors and axe throwers are, we spoke to some of Whistle Punks’ female instructors about what they enjoy most about axe throwing.

Yanthe (Vauxhall): Axe throwing is unique and really empowering. I know that I can win an axe-throwing match against someone twice my size. It doesn’t matter how big someone is because axe throwing isn’t about strength and size, it’s all about technique.

Andrea (Manchester): I like the challenge of landing different throws. I love that me and the other girls the work for Whistle Punks are beating the stereotype about axe throwing being a “man’s thing”. It’s great when someone comes in and is genuinely shocked and impressed that I can throw.

Elysia (Manchester): The satisfaction of hitting the board is great and I enjoy mastering new axe throwing techniques. I love that axe throwing is all about momentum and technique, and not power. We often get women come in who aren’t confident or think they’ll lose. I tell every single woman that comes in that it’s all about technique. And then when you see them succeed, it’s really satisfying.

Jesse (Vauxhall): I’m a big fan of using weapons in a controlled way. I like training and using them appropriately and of course, throwing axes at targets. I used to train and compete with HEMA (Historical European Martial Arts) and my preferred weapon was the longsword.

Sarah (Vauxhall): As an instructor, there is nothing more satisfying than when a customer sinks their first axe and you see their excitement. As a thrower, it’s nice to be good at something that is a little unexpected.

We think aside from being awesome, they are all highly skilled and passionate about axe throwing, they are the reason that we encourage people to throw like a girl.

Words: Staff Writer

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